Wednesday 30 January 2013


Sounds are used in thrillers to aid the audience in understanding what is either going to happen in the next scene or what is happening in the current scene. It adds more meaning to what the characters are doing in certain scenes or help the audience to get emotionally attached to the characters. Other times as well sound is effective at creating a reaction out of the audience, such as the a long bang sound will alert the audience or shock the audience to jump out of their seat. However there are different types of sounds used to achieve these different types of effects. It's essential in thriller movies as they build up mood and atmosphere in thriller movies, they build up tension and leads the scene to a point of intense suspense.


Diegetic sound:  A diegetic sound is sound which is part of the film such as a dialogue in a conversation,  music from a radio, or any other music device that plays sound. This sound can either part of the action happeing in the foreground or it can be playing in the background. Diegetic sound is usually tends to be be the conversations the chracters are having.

Non-diegetic sound: This usually sound that has been added a s part of post-production, it's sound that is not part of the film such as voiceovers by actors or narrators, soundtracks and sound effects.

on-screen sound: With this sound the audience knows the direction in which the sound is coming from and what is producing it such as a radio, music player, or in-car speakers.

off screen sound: This is sound that the audience can hear but aren't aware of where it's coming from,but it makes sense to the audience this types of sounds include people shouting in a crowd or children crying.

Pararell sound: This is sound that the audience expect to hear in a certain scene or sequence of scene, such as a scene when people are talking at an exhibition hall.

contrapuntal sound: This is sound that the audience doesn't expect it to happen in any scene in the film, such as in a horror story, there will be a kid's birthday party, with kids playing happily and then a horror theme tune starts playing in the background.

 The research for sound has given me an idea on what sound i need to include in my thriller production. The different types of sound i use should reflect whats actually going on in the scene, unless i want to use off-screen sound to shock the audience. Sound will be a critical aspect in my productor if i want it to impact on the audience. Therefore the type of sound and how i use it will be the key in building suspense in my thriller.

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