Saturday 15 December 2012

Production Roles

In any film production there are variety of people that take care of and do different roles and tasks that makes filming successful and much more organised. These roles range from the people that play the roles of the characters in the film to the people that handle the equipment to film the production.

These production roles include:
camera operator
Sound Technician
Film director
Location Manager
Storyboard organiser

What roles do these people play:

Camera Operator:
This is the person that physically operates the camera, whiles maintaining composition and camera angles during any given scene. The camera operator usually works with the storyboard organiser and director to take instructions on what type of camera angles or how to frame a shot in order to fulfil the creative aims.

These people interpret a dramatic character and act as the desired characters in order to play a convincing role to the audience The actors are the people getting film by the camera operators and usually tend to work with the director in order to get an idea of the feeling they need to portray in the thriller production.

Sound Technician:
Sound technicians assemble,operate and use technical equipments to produce any sound that is required for any particular scene. The sound technician works with the storyboard organiser in order to know what type of sound to use for scenes and also they are responsible for making sure the sounds used are suitable and effective to the thriller genre.

These people manipulate raw footage and combine and mix them into motion sequences that forms films. They tend to work with the camera operator and storyboard organisers to decide on what points of the footage the will cut, merge and mix in order to form a certain sequence of shots that achieve their aims.They work with digital video editing software to create cuts that are effective for thrillers.

Film Director:
A film director guides and directs the whole entire film crew. They control everything during filming but mainly works with the actors and actresses, simultaneously making sure everything in the film is effective to the genre of the film and also reflects his creative vision. The director is heavily involved with the misc-en-scene and works with whole filming crew in order to make the dream of the director come true.

Location Manager:
This person selects appropriate location for the scenes, they make sure the locations are effective for the thriller genre and also the location is relevant and connects with the situation happening in that particular location in order to make it more engaging and interesting for the audience. The location manager works with the director in order to decide on time of day they should film and the correct time to film to maximise the affect it has on the audience.

Storyboard organiser:
This person produces the whole film on a storyboard that demonstrates to the other works what will happen in a particular scene at a certain time. The storyboard they create states the dialogue,shot number,narrative,cinematography,edit style, actors involved, soundtrack and duration of the scene, this acts like a really detailed guideline of what they are expected to create. When the storyboard organisers makes the storyboard very detailed it eases the workload on the day of filming.

The production roles we assigned in our group:

Camera operator: Adam
He has experience of filming with a camera as he films music videos for people, meaning he is capable of operating a camera. He has a vast knowledge of interesting and creative camera angles and cinematography in which he can apply whiles filming in order for the filming to reflect the genre of thrillers. He also has a steady hand that can hold a camera very still, and place it in effective positions that can impact the audience.

Actors: Others
They have the necessary abilities to play a very convincing convincing characters, and they will really portray well the feelings the director wants the characters to. The physical appearance of all the actors and actresses also resemble the desired characters the director wants to get across.

Sound technician:  Tre
He well aware of the different types of non-diegetic sounds that are effective for thrillers, therefore we made him in charge of sound as he can produce and decide on the types of sounds to use for various scenes in order to shock and engage the audience into the film. Tre is also very familiar with musical instruments such as drums in which he can combine using the sound software to create soundtracks that match the mood in the scenes of the film.

Editors: Dwayne and Tre
They are aware of hoe to use the required software needed to edit the raw footages. They know exactly where to cut, mix and montage the footage in order to form a sequence that had an impact on the audience.

Film director:  Tre
It was mainly his idea that we are pursing for the thriller, therefore he is the best person to direct the team in creating his aspiration and making his idea come to life. He has a much more in-depth knowledge about the other production roles due to his research meaning he would be much better at controlling the other stages of production such as misc-en-scene in to create a suitable mood that reflects the genre of a thriller.

Location manager: Nicholas
Out of the group I travel the most, therefore I have seen a lot of locations and have carefully analysed and identified the locations that I think will be effective for the thriller genre. For example I picked out Adam's house to be used for the scene where one of the victims will be killed, I have been to his house i identified that the comfy, welcoming, friendly feel of his house will contradict with the dreadful act that will take place therefore it will heighten the atmosphere of shock in our thriller.

Storyboard organiser: All of us
Since we all discussed the ,dialogue,shot number,narrative,cinematography,edit style, actors involved, soundtrack and duration of the scenes so therefore we are pleased with the idea of the film. Discussing the storyboard together helped us to solidify the idea of the film, which meant we created the story board together meaning everyone was clear about the idea.

1 comment:

  1. It is clear that you have considered different strengths of individuals and consequently, how you can apply these strengths to specific roles.

    To improve;

    - further detail needed about why each member of the team is suited for the role.

    - watch out for grammatical errors and expression(SHH)
